Frankfurt – Paris

November 4th, 2009
Green fields
(Olympus E520, Zuiko 12-60mm SWD)

Green fields

Green fields

Yes, these are “train photos”, i.e., photo taken when I was on the high-speed train from Frankfurt to Paris.

I faced my lens closely to the train window to avoid reflection, kept my eyes opened behind the viewfinder to catch the moment when there is no fuzzy tree blocking the view & the composition is right. Manual mode for metering & focusing was used to save the time of capturing. The trip was about 3h hours and it’s pretty tired for your eyes & neck actually.

I’m bored of sitting alone there, with many thoughts about the experiment left @work, some self-reflection questions that my boss asked everyone to think about their research, and more important, seeing my wife in Paris on the next day =)). Just for fun, I tried to shot a picture though my eyeglasses. Right hand hold the camera while my glasses was on the left hand, in front of the lens. Here is one acceptable result, with a fun of experimenting 🙂

Green fields


3 Responses to Frankfurt – Paris

  1. yakw says:

    i like the pix through the glass. it offers perspective on how short-sighted people “nhi`n ddo*`i wa 2 ca’i ddi’t chai”, hehe

  2. haha, yes, that’s the original motivation of this trying :)). Thank you for stopping by 😉

  3. ruma2008 says:

    The scene is really beautiful.

    Your photography is splendid!!

    Thank you for showing a wonderful moment…

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