.family – 2024

September 14th, 2024

Different words can be used to describe these family photos taken this year. For example: nostalgic, light leaked, blurry, grainy, “not sharp”, “expired”. And of course with personal feeling: love, miss, “they’ve grown up so much”, surprised (on how the old film turned out).

For not-so-logical reasons, I’m still moved by these photos. Connecting these words and memories to tell stories can be a fun exercise for a conversation over tea / coffee.

For now, let’s leave it here with the photos & descriptions.

Photos taken on Yashica 12 (medium format) – expired Ilford Delta 3200.

He wears blue jersey. Unwilling accepted to be my model to test the camera and the film. He was curious about the viewfinder of MF camera though.
Different pose and try to act cool…
Another morning when he practiced piano. With broad light from the balcony.
Can’t remember what was the reason for his smile
Wife trying to teach Vietnamese to daughter…
Finally agree for a photo with their smiles.

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