It’s another year-end… And there are much to be thankful for. Not because of anything special, but we’ve learned to appreciate more of what we had and what we are blessed to do.
This year has been rather quiet for us as you can see by the number of posts in 2012. Time is always a constraint, but more importantly, we have been trying to consolidate our work and define/focus more on what are really important to us.
Anyway, this supposes to be our last post in 2012. There is no usual entry of “favorite photos in 2012” since many of our photos/film have not been developed and the projects are still on-going. However, there are some news we want to share before closing this year – 2012.
Our profiles on Light & Composition – Minh Nghia & Mai Phuong
Last but not least, we would like to let you know about our new portfolios. Please pay them a visit at your spare time and let us know what you think. Your feedback will be much appreciated. The sites will be the main channels to share our photos in different genres of photography, since Flickr with its photo-stream style seems a bit messy for that purpose.
Travel Portfolio :
Street Photography:
Wedding Photography:
It is just lovely to have more than 16000 views of this blog by 2012. It means a lot to us… Thank you so much for stopping by!
May next year 2013 be a another year of happiness, joy and success to you and to us.
May next year 2013 be a another year of happiness, joy and success to you and to us.
Happy New Year, Phuong & Nghia!!! May this year bring with it all the happiness, success and fulfillment that your heart desires! 🙂